Not a born in. Converted at 14; publisher at 14; baptized at 15.
I still remember my first day in field service. My first rejecting "householder" and the elder I was studying with at my side.
the wts has always included minors and adults in the same categories - publisher and baptized.. i am interested in knowing how many minors, approximately, are included in the publisher count.
and, at what age a person started publishing.
what age was the youngest publisher reported?.
Not a born in. Converted at 14; publisher at 14; baptized at 15.
I still remember my first day in field service. My first rejecting "householder" and the elder I was studying with at my side.
well, if trump starts a nuclear war, and no survivors exist.
then everyone that dies before armaggedon will come back in the resurection in the new system.
no great crowd to survive the gt.
Nuclear war will kill plenty but most of the 7 billion people will survive.
By the way, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
been lurking since early this year.
there are many of us out there (at least in this area, central u.s.) who are waking up and crossing the line to talk to each other about it.
in our area, several elders, ministerial servants and pioneers are actively and openly sharing info with each other daily.
Welcome d-o-l! Thanks for the thanks and the info. I hope the waking up grows until the time that the Watchtower suffers collapse. Also, having a network of fellow underground apostates that you personally know face to face can make the transition out much easier and painless.
at mine the conductor was somewhat awkward and minimal and there were nervous chuckles from the audience.
two people, including an elder, gave reasonable comments that it's okay as long as it's not extreme styles, etc.
but then another one of the elders commented that nothing has changed and they still aren't proper locally.
Simple response: If there are many people outside of the Witnesses who have beards then there is no reason for the public in general to get "stumbled" - they're used to them..
i mean back in the 60's when lsd was legal they did experiments with the drug to find out it's problem solving ability and the results were amazing..
psychedelic agents in creative problem-solving experiment was a study designed to evaluate whether the use of a psychedelic substance with supportive setting can lead to improvement of performance in solving professional problems.
the altered performance was measured by subjective reports, questionnaires, the obtained solutions for the professional problems and psychometric data using the purdue creativity, the miller object visualization, and the witkins embedded figures tests.
Why do you want Republicans to have more imagination? The only problems they would solve is that of maximizing the number of citizens who support them.
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Thankfully he doesn't have absolute power over the nation like the dude from North Korea, there is Congress, the Senate and finally the Supreme Court to manage any of his purposed directives and being that many Republicans in both segments of the government don't like him, there will be critical analysis and scrutiny to whatever comes out of the oval office.
Finkelstein, Congress and Senate are under control of Republicans and Trump has stated that he would place the most right wing Supreme Court justices as he promised his voters. That is something the Republican majority would not mind doing.
Also, the fact that Republican politicians don't like him has been no hindrance to his having won in the first place let alone prevent him from doing as he pleases now that he's won.
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
However, his ego will probably get the better of him....
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Is this another Trump backflip?
Trump does back flips, forward flips, headstands and yoga postures.
They are all the same.
As I've been saying they are not the same. Hillary as president would have left this nation the same as she got it - the status quo. Trump will bring it down to the Abyss.
baby shower for my son (raised a jw) and his wife mormon, a baby boy.
so a "hopes and wishes list" for the baby was handed out , any ideas.. i hope you know________________.
and i hope_______________________.. love grandpa.
I hope you know that wisdom comes hard but is well worth it.
I hope you learn a little bit of this and a little bit of that instead of a lot about just one thing.
I hope you experience many lifetimes within this one and only.
I hope you respect those who are different than you.
I hope you love the mother of your children.
I hope you try all the best beers, smart and life extension supplements and drugs.
I hope you aren't afraid of bullies.
I hope you become an example to us all.
I hope you never forget friends and family when they need you.
And I hope that you live long and prosper.
has anyone found any religion that makes more sense than the watchtower organization?
obviously catholics make even less sense than them so don't say that.... the reason i ask is because i still believe the bible is the word of god, but just that the jw's have twisted it for their own benefit, as most religions seem to do....
@ Heaven:
“This knowledge is of divine origin; and it is from the Bible of the creation that man has learned it, and not from the stupid Bible of the church, that teaches man nothing.*
*The Bible-makers have undertaken to give us, in the first chapter of Genesis, an account of the creation; and in doing this they have demonstrated nothing but their ignorance…
Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason. From The Online Library of Liberty: The Writings of Thomas Paine, Volume IV, Page 192-193.